With a passion for sharing knowledge, Greg has been a frequent speaker and once hosted a weekly radio show about investing.
Joined Lido: 1999
Homebase: Los Angeles
Professional Focus: In addition to his role as Chairman, Greg continues to work with investments and strategy for ultra-high net-worth investors and family offices to provide objective, personalized financial strategies and multi-generational planning.
Professional Designations: Certified Public Accountant (Inactive)
Education: B.S., Business Administration, University of Southern California
Previous Work Highlights: Prior to founding Lido, Greg founded Lido Consulting in 1995 to work with family offices on best practices and effective wealth management. He also ran a family office for one of the wealthiest families in the United States.
Personal Facts: Director and Chief Financial Officer of the Tech Sgt. Jack Greg Ret’d Foundation, a private family foundation that provides substantial grants to veteran’s causes throughout the United States.